Category:Sustained Skills

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Magical Ability
Icon AbsorbElements.png
School: Abjuration
Ability Type: Sustained
Pre-Cast Time: 2
Can be Critical: Irrelevant
Friendly Fire: Irrelevant
Armor Restrictions: Light
Weapon Restrictions: Spell Channeling

You summon a protective globe that absorbs a portion of all the elemental (fire, ice, shock) damage you receive, half of which is converted into mana.
Damage Percentage: 24 to 36% * (1 + %MagicalPower)
IconsUI 1.png 10 Icon TT Mana Cost transparent.png -1200 Max Mana
Physical Ability
Icon AuraOfClarity.png
School: Leadership
Ability Type: Sustained
Pre-Cast Time: 1
Can be Critical: Irrelevant
Friendly Fire: Irrelevant
Armor Restrictions: -
Weapon Restrictions: -
Tags: Melee, AoE

While this ability is active, you and every nearby ally become immune to the effects of Daze and Confusion.
Area Radius: 3 to 4.5 * (1 + %PhysicalPower)
IconsUI 1.png 10 Icon TT Mana Cost transparent.png -500 Max Mana
Physical Ability
Icon AuraOfCourage.png
School: Leadership
Ability Type: Sustained
Pre-Cast Time: 1
Can be Critical: Irrelevant
Friendly Fire: Irrelevant
Armor Restrictions: -
Weapon Restrictions: -
Tags: Melee, AoE

While this ability is active, you and every nearby ally become immune to the effects of Fear.
Area Radius: 3 to 4.5 * (1 + %PhysicalPower)
IconsUI 1.png 10 Icon TT Mana Cost transparent.png -500 Max Mana
Physical Ability
Icon AuraOfOppression.png
School: Leadership
Ability Type: Sustained
Pre-Cast Time: 1
Can be Critical: No
Friendly Fire: No
Armor Restrictions: -
Weapon Restrictions: -
Tags: Melee, AoE

While this ability is active, every nearby opponent finds your figure extremely imposing and intimidating, to the point of feeling crushed and slowed just by your presence.
Area Radius: 2 * (1 + %PhysicalPower)
Damage Crush Per Second:
24 to 36 * (1 + %PhysicalPower)
IconsUI 1.png 10 Icon TT Mana Cost transparent.png -600 Max Mana
Magical Ability
Icon BarbedSkin.png
School: Druidcraft
Ability Type: Sustained
Pre-Cast Time: 2
Can be Critical: No
Friendly Fire: Irrelevant
Armor Restrictions: Light / Medium
Weapon Restrictions: Spell Channeling
Tags: Melee

While in this form, your skin is covered by countless thorns which react to any melee attacker, piercing and bleeding them as they hit you.
Damage Pierce: 50 to 75 * (1 + %MagicalPower)
Stacks Bleeding:
2 to 3 * (1 + %MagicalPower) (reduced by: Fortitude)
IconsUI 1.png 10 Icon TT Mana Cost transparent.png -500 Max Mana
Physical Ability
Icon Bloodlust.png
School: Warfare
Ability Type: Sustained
Pre-Cast Time: 0.2
Can be Critical: Irrelevant
Friendly Fire: Irrelevant
Armor Restrictions: -
Weapon Restrictions: -

While this ability is active, you thirst for the blood of your enemies. Any hit against bleeding opponents deals extra damage and makes you recover some health.
Both effects are calculated as a portion of the base damage of your weapon, not of actual damage dealt.
Weapon Damage Increase: 8 to 12% * (1 + %PhysicalPower)
Health Recovered:
6 to 9% * (1 + %PhysicalPower)
IconsUI 1.png 10 Icon TT Mana Cost transparent.png -400 Max Mana
Magical Ability
Icon CloakOfFlames.png
School: Pyromancy
Ability Type: Sustained
Pre-Cast Time: 0.5
Can be Critical: Yes
Friendly Fire: No
Armor Restrictions: Light / Medium
Weapon Restrictions: Spell Channeling
Tags: Melee

You summon a barrier of flames around you, which increases your fire resistance, and damages any nearby opponent.
Area Radius: 2
Damage Fire Per Second:
50 to 75 * (1 + %MagicalPower)
Resistance Fire:
80 to 120 * (1 + %MagicalPower)
Stacks Warm Per Second:
10 to 15 * (1 + %MagicalPower) (reduced by: Willpower)
IconsUI 1.png 10 Icon TT Mana Cost transparent.png -600 Max Mana
Magical Ability
Icon CloakOfFrost.png
School: Cryomancy
Ability Type: Sustained
Pre-Cast Time: 0.5
Can be Critical: Yes
Friendly Fire: No
Armor Restrictions: Light / Medium
Weapon Restrictions: Spell Channeling
Tags: Melee

You summon a barrier of frost around you, which increases your ice resistance, and damages any nearby opponent.
Area Radius: 2
Damage Ice Per Second:
50 to 75 * (1 + %MagicalPower)
Resistance Ice:
80 to 120 * (1 + %MagicalPower)
Stacks Chilled Per Second:
5 to 7.5 * (1 + %MagicalPower) (reduced by: Willpower)
IconsUI 1.png 10 Icon TT Mana Cost transparent.png -600 Max Mana
Magical Ability
Icon CloakOfLightning.png
School: Aeromancy
Ability Type: Sustained
Pre-Cast Time: 0.5
Can be Critical: Yes
Friendly Fire: No
Armor Restrictions: Light / Medium
Weapon Restrictions: Spell Channeling
Tags: Melee

You summon a barrier of lightnings around you, which increases your shock resistance, and damages any nearby opponent.
Area Radius: 2
Damage Shock Per Second:
20 to 30 * (1 + %MagicalPower)
Resistance Shock:
80 to 120 * (1 + %MagicalPower)
Stacks Shocked Per Second:
10 to 15 * (1 + %MagicalPower) (reduced by: Willpower)
IconsUI 1.png 10 Icon TT Mana Cost transparent.png -600 Max Mana
Magical Ability
Icon CrystallineSkin.png
School: Geomancy
Ability Type: Sustained
Pre-Cast Time: 2
Can be Critical: Irrelevant
Friendly Fire: Irrelevant
Armor Restrictions: Light / Medium
Weapon Restrictions: Spell Channeling
Tags: Melee

While in this form, your skin becomes crystal-like, and any creature that hits you at melee range loses some mana and is Silenced for a few seconds.
If a creature has less mana than the amount it would lose, the remainder is dealt as Pure damage.
Duration Silence: 0.5 * (1 + %MagicalPower) (reduced by: Willpower)
Mana Loss:
100 to 150 * (1 + %MagicalPower)
IconsUI 1.png 10 Icon TT Mana Cost transparent.png -600 Max Mana
Physical Ability
Icon Frenzy.png
School: Warfare
Ability Type: Sustained
Pre-Cast Time: 0.2
Can be Critical: Irrelevant
Friendly Fire: Irrelevant
Armor Restrictions: -
Weapon Restrictions: -

While this ability is active, you are in a battle frenzy, which significantly boosts both you attack and movement speed, while keeping you in a constant state of confusion.
Attack Speed Bonus: 8 to 12% * (1 + %PhysicalPower)
Move Speed Bonus:
8 to 12% * (1 + %PhysicalPower)
IconsUI 1.png 10 Icon TT Mana Cost transparent.png -400 Max Mana
Magical Ability
Icon GlassBarrier.png
School: Geomancy
Ability Type: Sustained
Pre-Cast Time: 2
Can be Critical: Yes
Friendly Fire: Yes
Armor Restrictions: Light / Medium
Weapon Restrictions: Spell Channeling
Tags: Melee

You summon a whirling globe of razor-sharp glass shards around you which damages any creature that gets too close, ignoring a portion of their resistances.
Area Radius: 2
Damage Slash Per Second:
50 to 75 * (1 + %MagicalPower)
Ignored Resistance:
10 to 15% * (1 + %MagicalPower)
IconsUI 1.png 10 Icon TT Mana Cost transparent.png -600 Max Mana
Magical Ability
Icon GlobeOfSpellProtection.png
School: Abjuration
Ability Type: Sustained
Pre-Cast Time: 2
Can be Critical: Irrelevant
Friendly Fire: Irrelevant
Armor Restrictions: Light
Weapon Restrictions: Spell Channeling

You summon a protective globe that completely blocks the effects of any single-targeted magical ability casted on you.
Resistance Magical: 20 to 80 * (1 + %MagicalPower)
IconsUI 1.png 10 Icon TT Mana Cost transparent.png -1200 Max Mana
Magical Ability
Icon MageArmor.png
School: Abjuration
Ability Type: Sustained
Pre-Cast Time: 2
Can be Critical: Irrelevant
Friendly Fire: Irrelevant
Armor Restrictions: Light
Weapon Restrictions: Spell Channeling

You conjure an invisible magical armor, which increases your physical and energy resistances and gives you immunity to the hexed effect.
Resistance Energy: 60 to 90 * (1 + %MagicalPower)
Resistance Physical:
60 to 90 * (1 + %MagicalPower)
IconsUI 1.png 10 Icon TT Mana Cost transparent.png -600 Max Mana
Magical Ability
Icon MagicReflection.png
School: Abjuration
Ability Type: Sustained
Pre-Cast Time: 2
Can be Critical: Irrelevant
Friendly Fire: Irrelevant
Armor Restrictions: Light / Medium
Weapon Restrictions: Spell Channeling

You summon a protective globe that increases all your magical resistances and refelects back to the attacker a portion of any magic damage you take.
Resistance Magical: 200
Reflection Magical:
IconsUI 1.png 10 Icon TT Mana Cost transparent.png -600 Max Mana
Magical Ability
Icon ProtectionFromAcid.png
School: Abjuration
Ability Type: Sustained
Pre-Cast Time: 2
Can be Critical: Irrelevant
Friendly Fire: Irrelevant
Armor Restrictions: Light / Medium
Weapon Restrictions: Spell Channeling

While this spell is active, your acid resistance is enhanced, and you gain immunity to the corrosion effect.
Resistance Acid: 100 to 200 * (1 + %MagicalPower)
IconsUI 1.png 10 Icon TT Mana Cost transparent.png -600 Max Mana
Magical Ability
Icon ProtectionFromCold.png
School: Abjuration
Ability Type: Sustained
Pre-Cast Time: 2
Can be Critical: Irrelevant
Friendly Fire: Irrelevant
Armor Restrictions: Light / Medium
Weapon Restrictions: Spell Channeling

While this spell is active, your ice resistance is enhanced, and you gain immunity to the chilled and frozen effects.
Resistance Ice: 100 to 200 * (1 + %MagicalPower)
IconsUI 1.png 10 Icon TT Mana Cost transparent.png -600 Max Mana
Magical Ability
Icon ProtectionFromElectricity.png
School: Abjuration
Ability Type: Sustained
Pre-Cast Time: 2
Can be Critical: Irrelevant
Friendly Fire: Irrelevant
Armor Restrictions: Light / Medium
Weapon Restrictions: Spell Channeling

While this spell is active, your shock resistance is enhanced, and you gain immunity to the shocked effect.
Resistance Shock: 100 to 200 * (1 + %MagicalPower)
IconsUI 1.png 10 Icon TT Mana Cost transparent.png -600 Max Mana
Magical Ability
Icon ProtectionFromFire.png
School: Abjuration
Ability Type: Sustained
Pre-Cast Time: 2
Can be Critical: Irrelevant
Friendly Fire: Irrelevant
Armor Restrictions: Light / Medium
Weapon Restrictions: Spell Channeling

While this spell is active, your fire resistance is enhanced, and you gain immunity to the warm and burning effects.
Resistance Fire: 100 to 200 * (1 + %MagicalPower)
IconsUI 1.png 10 Icon TT Mana Cost transparent.png -600 Max Mana
Magical Ability
Icon ProtectionFromPoison.png
School: Abjuration
Ability Type: Sustained
Pre-Cast Time: 2
Can be Critical: Irrelevant
Friendly Fire: Irrelevant
Armor Restrictions: Light / Medium
Weapon Restrictions: Spell Channeling

While this spell is active, your poison resistance is enhanced, and you gain immunity to the poisoned effect.
Resistance Poison: 100 to 200 * (1 + %MagicalPower)
IconsUI 1.png 10 Icon TT Mana Cost transparent.png -600 Max Mana
Magical Ability
Icon StoneSkin.png
School: Geomancy
Ability Type: Sustained
Pre-Cast Time: 2
Can be Critical: Irrelevant
Friendly Fire: Irrelevant
Armor Restrictions: Light / Medium
Weapon Restrictions: Spell Channeling

While this spell is active, your skin becomes stone-like. You have 100% Block Chance, and anyone hitting you at melee range is Slowed for a few seconds.
This spell stacks up multiple times, and any damage istance that gets blocked removes one stack.
Stacks regenerate passively over time. If all are removed, the spell deactivates.
Stacks Max: 3 to 6 * (1 + %MagicalPower)
Stacks Regeneration Time:
Duration Slow:
1.5 * (1 + %MagicalPower) (reduced by: Willpower)
IconsUI 1.png 10 Icon TT Mana Cost transparent.png -600 Max Mana
Physical Ability
Icon StrikeWounds.png
School: Assassination
Ability Type: Sustained
Pre-Cast Time: 0.2
Can be Critical: No
Friendly Fire: Irrelevant
Armor Restrictions: -
Weapon Restrictions: -

As long as this ability is active, you strike at your enemies open wounds, dealing extra damage based on the missing health of the opponent, in percentage.
Maxiumum bonus damage is reached when the opponent is at very low health.
Max Weapon Damage Increase: 32 to 48% * (1 + %PhysicalPower)
IconsUI 1.png 10 Icon TT Mana Cost transparent.png -400 Max Mana
Physical Ability
Icon ViciousAttacks.png
School: Warfare
Ability Type: Sustained
Pre-Cast Time: 0.2
Can be Critical: Irrelevant
Friendly Fire: Irrelevant
Armor Restrictions: -
Weapon Restrictions: -

While this ability is active, you viciously aim your melee hits at the injuries of your enemies, inflicting extra damage for each PhysicalDebuff active on them.
The extra damage is calculated as a portion of the base damage of your weapon.
Weapon Damage Increase: 10 to 15% * (1 + %PhysicalPower)
IconsUI 1.png 10 Icon TT Mana Cost transparent.png -400 Max Mana