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Equipment in Fractured is expected to be entirely supplied via player crafting.

Types of equipment

Primitive Equipment

Primitive equipment are items that the player can craft in any moment, by using easy to find materials like stones and branches and require no facility. They are useful at the initial steps of a new character, or in a pinch when your weapon breaks in the wild and you need to find a quick replacement. Apart from those situations, you will quickly discard this type of equipment as soon as you are able to access advanced items, which usually means as soon as you join a region. Primitive necklaces are an exception, they will prove useful even when you have access to advanced items.

Advanced Equipment

Advanced equipment require specific facilities to be crafted, and the materials are harder to acquire and may necessitate long crafting times.


Light Weapons

  1. Hand Axe
  2. Club
  3. Shortbow
  4. Primitive Hammer
  5. Primitive Handaxe
  6. Shortsword
  7. Primitive Club
  8. Mace
  9. Primitive Dagger
  10. Primitive Mace
  11. Dagger
  12. Scimitar
  13. Primitive Sword

Medium Weapons

  1. Battle Axe
  2. Primitive Spear
  3. Quarterstaff
  4. Morning Star
  5. Longsword
  6. Fire Staff
  7. Shock Staff
  8. Spear
  9. Primitive Quarterstaff
  10. Primitive Mage Staff
  11. Rapier
  12. Energy Staff
  13. Longbow
  14. Ice Staff
  15. Acid Staff
  16. Poison Staff
  17. Composite Longbow

Heavy Weapons

  1. Warhammer
  2. Great Axe
  3. Primitive Bow
  4. Greatsword

Bows & Crossbows

  1. Shortbow
  2. Primitive Bow
  3. Longbow
  4. Composite Longbow

Mage Weapons

  1. Shortbow
  2. Fire Staff
  3. Shock Staff
  4. Primitive Mage Staff
  5. Mace
  6. Rapier
  7. Dagger
  8. Energy Staff
  9. Ice Staff
  10. Scimitar
  11. Acid Staff
  12. Poison Staff

Light Armors

  1. Ragged Clothes
  2. Ragged Cloth Hood
  3. Scholar Boots
  4. Assassin Gloves
  5. Commoner Hood
  6. Scholar Gloves
  7. Commoner Boots
  8. Assassin Hood
  9. Assassin Boots
  10. Scholar Clothes
  11. Commoner Clothes
  12. Commoner Bracers
  13. Assassin Clothes
  14. Scholar Hood
  15. Assassin Bracers
  16. Ragged Hood

Medium Armors

  1. Cleric Boots
  2. Rogue Boots
  3. Rogue Gloves
  4. Rogue Armor
  5. Warlock Armor
  6. Chain Mail Helmet
  7. Chain Mail Armor
  8. Leather Gloves
  9. Cleric Armor
  10. Warlock Helmet
  11. Hunter Gloves
  12. Hunter Armor
  13. Wolf Headdress
  14. Ranger Helmet
  15. Chain Mail Boots
  16. Battlemage Helmet
  17. Rogue Helmet
  18. Ranger Gloves
  19. Warlock Gloves
  20. Battlemage Gauntlets
  21. Ranger Armor
  22. Direwolf Headdress
  23. Stag Headdress
  24. Hide Armor
  25. Hunter Helmet
  26. Cleric Helmet
  27. Bear Headdress
  28. Hide Boots
  29. Hide Gloves
  30. Battlemage Armor
  31. Leather Boots
  32. Cleric Gauntlets
  33. Chain Mail Gauntlets
  34. Battlemage Boots
  35. Leather Armor
  36. Hunter Boots
  37. Leather Helmet
  38. Ranger Boots
  39. Warlock Boots
  40. Hide Helmet
  41. Warthog Headdress

Heavy Armors

  1. Knight Gloves
  2. Full Plate Gauntlets
  3. Full Plate Helmet
  4. Slayer Boots
  5. Scale Mail Boots
  6. Scale Mail Armor
  7. Slayer Helmet
  8. Slayer Armor
  9. Knight Boots
  10. Full Plate Boots
  11. Knight Armor
  12. Slayer Gauntlets
  13. Scale Mail Gauntlets
  14. Full Plate Armor
  15. Knight Helmet
  16. Scale Mail Helmet


  1. Wooden Shield
  2. Tower Shield
  3. Buckler
  4. Primitive Shield
  5. Round Shield


  1. Wolf Teeth Necklace
  2. Diamond Necklace
  3. Fox Tail Amulet
  4. Topaz Necklace
  5. Ruby Necklace
  6. Bear Claws Pendant
  7. Rabbit Paw Amulet
  8. Sapphire Necklace
  9. Amethyst Necklace
  10. Emerald Necklace


  1. Ruby Ring
  2. Amethyst Ring
  3. Diamond Ring
  4. Emerald Ring
  5. Sapphire Ring
  6. Topaz Ring

Armor Sets

  1. Battlemage Armor Set
  2. Full Plate Armor Set
  3. Assassin Clothes Set
  4. Leather Armor Set
  5. Slayer Armor Set
  6. Hide Armor Set
  7. Ranger Armor Set
  8. Hunter Armor Set
  9. Common Clothes Set
  10. Warlock Armor Set
  11. Rogue Armor Set
  12. Cleric Armor Set
  13. Scholar Clothes Set
  14. Knight Armor Set
  15. Chain Mail Armor Set