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Chadra are a tiger-like family of the Wildfolk race in Fractured and native to Arboreus.

Also known as Tiger-Kin, the Chadra, whose body is larger than an average human, are the wildfolk most endowed with quick reflexes and agility. Real jacks-of-all-trades, they excel in most fighting styles thanks to the accuracy of their attacks and can resort to magic to further increase their combat prowess.

They are at their home between 0°C and 35°C. Outside those temperatures, they will have to keep themselves warm or cool with the help of some garments.

When transformed into their primal form, the tiger, the Chadra enjoy an even higher movement speed and attack precision. Their Claws also become extremely lethal weapons.

Primal Form

Tiger Primal Form Transformation.gif

During their transformation, the Tiger-kin transform into bulky and ferocious killers, ready to smash their targets with devastating claw attacks.

They receive the following stats and bonuses:

Chadras use their claws while transformed, which boast the following stats:

  • Damage: 6.8 x STR/DEX
  • Damage Type: Slash/Pierce/Crush
  • Speed: Medium
  • Range: 2m in a 90° cone
  • Special: 25% Armor Penetration
  • Weight Class: Light/Medium/Heavy (No casting restrictions).

Chadras resistances are also set during the transformation to:

Armor (Slash) 350 (41%) Elemental (Fire) 400 (44%) Poison 280 (35%)
Armor (Pierce) 350 (41%) Elemental (Ice) 640 (56%) Energy 280 (35%)
Armor (Crush) 550 (52%) Elemental (Shock) 400 (44%) Acid 280 (35%)