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Like any living creature, a player character will eventually become hungry.
The saturation level is represented in the game by a hunger bar in the upper left corner of the UI.
Every minute you lose one point of hunger.


Icon StatusEffect Sated.png
You are well fed as your Satiety bar is above 50%. You recover 10 health every second.


Icon StatusEffect Hungry.png
Your Satiety bar has fallen below 20%. You feel hungry, which makes you lose 2,5 health every second.


Icon StatusEffect Starving.png
Your Satiety bar is completely depleted and you are starving, which makes you lose 20 health every second.

Recovering Hunger

Hunger can be regenerated by eating various foods, the most common being:

Icon Pumpkin.png Pumpkin Icon Grilled Pumpkin.png Grilled Pumpkin Icon Roasted Wolf Meat.png Roasted Wolf Meat
Icon Roasted Venison.png Roasted Venison Icon Roasted Fox.png Roasted Fox Meat Icon Roasted Rabbit.png Roasted Rabbit Meat
Different Vegetables as example carrots Icon Carrot.png Icon Roasted Bear Meat.png Roasted Bear Meat

Influenced by

The use of the ability Frenzy doubles the hungerloss.


Like every living thing, the game character has to rest at some point.
The restedness level is represented in the game by a rest bar in the upper left corner of the UI.
Every minute (without reduction) you lose one point of rest or faster by running around and fighting enemies.


Icon StatusEffect Rested.png
You feel great as your Rest bar is above 50%. You enjoy a 4% boost to your movement speed.


Icon StatusEffect Fatigued.png
Your Rest bar has fallen below 20%. You feel tired and receive a 2% malus to your movement speed.


Icon StatusEffect Exhausted.png
Your Rest bar is completely depleted and you feel exhausted, which prevents you from running.

Influenced by

The use of the following abilities influence rest:

Recovering Rest

You can restore rest while resting at any

Purple Health

Purple Life.png

By being knocked down, a portion of your health bar will be replaced with a purple bar.


Purple health reduces your maximum life points.

Should your life become completely obscured by purple health, you die instantly.

Recovering Max Health

You need to sit at a chimney Chimney.png in a Tavern or at a player's fireplace Fireplace.png . Alternative a Potion of Recovery can also solve that issue.

Campfires Camp Fire.png, on the other hand, don't help!