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What is proficiency

Proficiency is the power level of a skill school, such as Pyromancy, Assassination, Restoration, and so on. All abilities have a base effectiveness, which is increased by either physical or magical power, and also by the proficiency level of that school.

All proficiency levels start at 0 and go to 10. Every level of proficiency grants another 5% effectiveness to the school, maxing out at 50% effectiveness.

Increasing proficiency

There are two ways to increase proficiency. It can be permanently increased by Orbs, or temporarily by using gear with proficiency imbues.

Proficiency from Orbs and gear imbues DO NOT STACK


Orbs must be "consumed". Orbs are dropped from Divine Rewards, which themselves are a rare drop from any mob. The amount of orbs needed to increase the school's proficiency increases as the level increases. In total, it takes 68 orbs to max a proficiency.

Proficiency Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Orbs Needed 1 1 2 3 4 5 7 10 15 20


The four armor slots and a weapon can be imbued with proficiency for specific schools, such as Pyromancy Proficiency, Restoration Proficiency, etc..., resulting in 5 imbues getting a character to the maximum proficiency for one school.