Version b.0.1f

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These are the official patch notes for Version b.0.1f released by Dynamight Studios.

This version is part of Alpha 2 - Test 5.

Major Changes

Zeus Update

As many of you know, SpatialOS is our backend engine of choice. So far, we're run our servers on the SCP (SpatialOS Classic Platform). We are now moving to IMS Zeuz, the new hosting platform, which is way more flexible (and potentially cheaper) than the SCP, enabling us to eventually use dedicated bare-metal servers instead of cloud servers.

Other than doing it for advantages mentioned above, this move was necessary because the SCP is eventually going to be deprecated. The process of getting used to the new platform took some dev time, and that is why we don't have a game patch this week bringing "visible" changes to the game.

Thank you all and stay tuned because we have some big news coming very soon!
