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This Module keeps this information about items in category Edible: Name, Satiety

Used By: Module:Items, Template:ItemTable

-- Keep alphabetical order
return {

    ["Arnica"] = {
        ["Satiety"] = "1%"

    ["Blueberries"] = {
        ["Satiety"] = "5%"

    ["Brain Mushrooms"] = {
        ["Satiety"] = "5%"

    ["Bread"] = {
       ["Satiety"] = "35%"

    ["Carrots"] = {
        ["Satiety"] = "15%"

    ["Celery"] = {
        ["Satiety"] = "5%"

    ["Currant"] = {
        ["Satiety"] = "3%"

    ["Dandelion"] = {
        ["Satiety"] = "1%"

    ["Garlic"] = {
        ["Satiety"] = "2%"

    ["Gooseberries"] = {
        ["Satiety"] = "5%"
    ["Grilled Carrots"] = {
       ["Satiety"] = "35%"
    ["Grilled Honeynails"] = {
       ["Satiety"] = "20%"
    ["Grilled Penny Buns"] = {
       ["Satiety"] = "20%"
    ["Grilled Pumpkin"] = {
       ["Satiety"] = "50%"
    ["Grilled White Caps"] = {
       ["Satiety"] = "20%"

    ["Honeynail Mushrooms"] = {
        ["Satiety"] = "5%"

    ["Lavender"] = {
        ["Satiety"] = "1%"

    ["Milkweed"] = {
        ["Satiety"] = "1%"

    ["Onion"] = {
        ["Satiety"] = "15%"

    ["Penny Bun Mushrooms"] = {
        ["Satiety"] = "5%"

    ["Potatoes"] = {
        ["Satiety"] = "15%"

    ["Pumpkin"] = {
        ["Satiety"] = "12%"

    ["Raspberries"] = {
        ["Satiety"] = "5%"
    ["Roasted Bear Meat"] = {
       ["Satiety"] = "50%"
    ["Roasted Fox"] = {
       ["Satiety"] = "50%"
    ["Roasted Moose Meat"] = {
       ["Satiety"] = "50%"
    ["Roasted Rabbit"] = {
       ["Satiety"] = "50%"
    ["Roasted Reptile Meat"] = {
       ["Satiety"] = "50%"
    ["Roasted Venison"] = {
       ["Satiety"] = "50%"
    ["Roasted Wolf Meat"] = {
       ["Satiety"] = "50%"

    ["Rosemary"] = {
        ["Satiety"] = "1%"

    ["Strawberries"] = {
        ["Satiety"] = "5%"

    ["Tomatoes"] = {
        ["Satiety"] = "15%"

    ["Wheat"] = {
        ["Satiety"] = "5%"

    ["White Cap Mushrooms"] = {
        ["Satiety"] = "5%"
