Item Name | Slot | Mana Regeneration | Mana Regeneration from Recipes |
Amuletof Wizardry | Necklace | +6 | ---- |
Assassin Boots | Feet | ---- | +20 Mana Regeneration if made with Primal Weave, Soul Extract, Destroy Extract, Air Extract and Death Extract |
Assassin Bracers | Hands | ---- | +20 Mana Regeneration if made with Primal Weave, Soul Extract, Destroy Extract, Air Extract and Death Extract |
Assassin Clothes | Chest | ---- | +20 Mana Regeneration if made with Primal Weave, Soul Extract, Destroy Extract, Air Extract and Death Extract |
Assassin Hood | Helmet | ---- | +20 Mana Regeneration if made with Primal Weave, Soul Extract, Destroy Extract, Air Extract and Death Extract |
Battlemage Armor | Chest | ---- | +10 Mana Regeneration if made with Mithril Ingot, Mind Extract, Transform Extract, Chaos Extract and Energy Extract |
Battlemage Boots | Feet | ---- | +10 Mana Regeneration if made with Mithril Ingot, Mind Extract, Transform Extract, Chaos Extract and Energy Extract |
Battlemage Gauntlets | Hands | ---- | +10 Mana Regeneration if made with Mithril Ingot, Mind Extract, Transform Extract, Chaos Extract and Energy Extract |
Battlemage Helmet | Helmet | ---- | +10 Mana Regeneration if made with Mithril Ingot, Mind Extract, Transform Extract, Chaos Extract and Energy Extract |
Chain Mail Armor | Chest | ---- | +10 Mana Regeneration if made with Mithril Ingot |
Chain Mail Boots | Feet | ---- | +10 Mana Regeneration if made with Mithril Ingot |
Chain Mail Gauntlets | Hands | ---- | +10 Mana Regeneration if made with Mithril Ingot |
Chain Mail Helmet | Helmet | ---- | +10 Mana Regeneration if made with Mithril Ingot |
Cleric Armor | Chest | ---- | +10 Mana Regeneration if made with Mithril Ingot, Soul Extract, Create Extract, Water Extract and Life Extract |
Cleric Boots | Feet | ---- | +10 Mana Regeneration if made with Mithril Ingot, Soul Extract, Create Extract, Water Extract and Life Extract |
Cleric Gauntlets | Hands | ---- | +10 Mana Regeneration if made with Mithril Ingot, Soul Extract, Create Extract, Water Extract and Life Extract |
Cleric Helmet | Helmet | ---- | +10 Mana Regeneration if made with Mithril Ingot, Soul Extract, Create Extract, Water Extract and Life Extract |
Commoner Boots | Feet | ---- | +20 Mana Regeneration if made with Primal Weave |
Commoner Bracers | Hands | ---- | +20 Mana Regeneration if made with Primal Weave |
Commoner Clothes | Chest | ---- | +20 Mana Regeneration if made with Primal Weave |
Commoner Hood | Helmet | ---- | +20 Mana Regeneration if made with Primal Weave |
Full Plate Armor | Chest | ---- | +10 Mana Regeneration if made with Mithril Ingot |
Full Plate Boots | Feet | ---- | +10 Mana Regeneration if made with Mithril Ingot |
Full Plate Gauntlets | Hands | ---- | +10 Mana Regeneration if made with Mithril Ingot |
Full Plate Helmet | Helmet | ---- | +10 Mana Regeneration if made with Mithril Ingot |
Knight Armor | Chest | ---- | +10 Mana Regeneration if made with Mithril Ingot, Body Extract, Negate Extract, Earth Extract and Order Extract |
Knight Boots | Feet | ---- | +10 Mana Regeneration if made with Mithril Ingot, Body Extract, Negate Extract, Earth Extract and Order Extract |
Knight Gloves | Hands | ---- | +10 Mana Regeneration if made with Mithril Ingot, Body Extract, Negate Extract, Earth Extract and Order Extract |
Knight Helmet | Helmet | ---- | +10 Mana Regeneration if made with Mithril Ingot, Body Extract, Negate Extract, Earth Extract and Order Extract |
Scholar Boots | Feet | ---- | +20 Mana Regeneration if made with Primal Weave, Mind Extract, Transform Extract, Fire Extract and Knowledge Extract |
Scholar Clothes | Chest | ---- | +20 Mana Regeneration if made with Primal Weave, Mind Extract, Transform Extract, Fire Extract and Knowledge Extract |
Scholar Gloves | Hands | ---- | +20 Mana Regeneration if made with Primal Weave, Mind Extract, Transform Extract, Fire Extract and Knowledge Extract |
Scholar Hood | Helmet | ---- | +20 Mana Regeneration if made with Primal Weave, Mind Extract, Transform Extract, Fire Extract and Knowledge Extract |
Slayer Armor | Chest | ---- | +10 Mana Regeneration if made with Mithril Ingot, Body Extract, Destroy Extract, Death Extract and Chaos Extract |
Slayer Boots | Feet | ---- | +10 Mana Regeneration if made with Mithril Ingot, Body Extract, Destroy Extract, Death Extract and Chaos Extract |
Slayer Gloves | Hands | ---- | +10 Mana Regeneration if made with Mithril Ingot, Body Extract, Destroy Extract, Death Extract and Chaos Extract |
Slayer Helmet | Helmet | ---- | +10 Mana Regeneration if made with Mithril Ingot, Body Extract, Destroy Extract, Death Extract and Chaos Extract |