Fractured Wiki:Editing Guidelines

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This is a short guide on editing and creating Fractured Wiki pages, categories, templates, modules, images, etc.

General Guidelines

These are guidelines that should be used across any Mediawiki content.

  • Be as concise as possible (short sentences)
  • Always use game item names exactly as they appear in Fractured
  • All items must have a category
  • Use multiple categories for items sparingly

Specific Guidelines

These are guidelines for specific type of Mediawiki content.


  • Page names should have each word capitalized in most situations as they are proper names of game items (e.g. Pierce Armor)
  • Pages that are not proper names should start with a capital letter with all other letters being lowercase (e.g. Pre alpha, Pet companion)




  • Modules names with spaces should start with a capital letter while all other letters are lowercase (e.g. Cat main)
  • Module names without spaces should be CamelCase (e.g. TableTools)
  • All modules must have a corresponding doc page like TableTools/doc


  • Images must have a description. This is best done at upload.